Extensive exploration of personalised nutrition as a way to better health

Nutrigenomics examines the relationship between food and gene expression. The ability to plan diet recommendations based on an individual's genetic profile is an exciting concept recently explored by an EU initiative.

In an effort to improve public health across the population, the EU-funded FOOD4ME (Personalised nutrition: An integrated analysis of opportunities and challenges) project investigated personalised nutrition as a means for improving health.

FOOD4ME extended state-of-the-art research into personalised nutrition tying in business, science and technology, and consumer perspectives. It explored the opportunities and challenges of establishing strong business models for the delivery of personalised nutrition at all stages.

Project partners assessed the prospects and challenges for future personalised nutrition business models together with a broad range of stakeholders, including the food industry, media, health insurers, patient groups, retailers, regulatory authorities, medical professionals and scientists. They developed novel scientific tools that use dietary, genetic and phenotypic data for tailored nutrition recommendations.

The FOOD4ME team validated the impact of different levels of nutrition advice on consumers using the outcomes from a study carried out in seven EU Member States. The study compared the effects of different levels of personalised nutrition on health-related outcomes. It contains data on over 1 600 individuals.

Researchers analysed consumer attitudes and beliefs concerning all aspects of personalised nutrition, and studied the related ethical and legal issues. In addition, best practice guidelines were delivered for communicating to consumers about tailored dietary advice.

All research conducted, key project results and a future vision for personalised nutrition were included in a white paper presented at the final project conference.

FOOD4ME provided an in-depth analysis of the opportunities and challenges in personalised nutrition. Relevant stakeholders are now better able to determine in what way dietary advice in combination with genetic profiles can benefit consumers.

published: 2016-03-31

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