Dietary advice resources for a healthier EU

Previous EU-funded projects have advanced concepts, tools and infrastructures aimed at encouraging Europeans to follow healthy dietary guidelines and recommendations. A current initiative will promote these campaigns together with small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to combat poor health and unhealthy ageing.

The project QUALIFY (Quantify life – Feed yourself) is based on a new paradigm of personalised dietary advice influenced by personal preference, health status and assessment, and motivational goals. In combination and through a unifying platform, SMEs will optimise results and integrate and build on the results of the projects EuroFir, NuGO and Eurreca, Eurogene and Food4Me.

Partner SMEs cover the following areas: food composition tables and food intake quantification; self-quantification technologies in genotype, phenotype and nutritional status; data handling and personal advice information technology; and production and provision of personalised dietary services. They are all involved in commercial application of evidence-based personal nutrition services. Integration of such commercial activities will enable complete services to target specific groups.

Major advances include collection of previously fragmented dietary advice services from SMEs into practical, integrated regimes. These will be tested in three field labs (test settings) in upcoming project work.

Research will provide personalised dietary advice services for overweight children in the United Kingdom, adolescents with eating disorders in Germany and adults with type 2 diabetes in the Netherlands. A portfolio of advice tools to be used in the test settings has been defined, and preparations continue ahead of the field work (e.g. ethics approvals).

Partners have integrated data and knowledge pipelines – from food composition databases to information on the relationship between genetic variations, diet and health. To structure this information in an appropriate information and communication technologies (ICT) environment, the QuaLiFY Server Platform (QSP) has been designed. QSP is the central point of electronic access to a variety of services and information relevant for personalised dietary advice.

The third main area of project work is an open innovation business model for collaboration and innovation by competing SMEs in personalised dietary services. This supports more integrated and reliable personalised dietary advice systems than can be realised working in isolation.

Progress in all project areas will support a societal ICT-driven change from the public (i.e. health campaigns) to the personal. Small companies are pushing this innovation, and project work is helping with its implementation for a healthier future for all Europeans.

published: 2016-01-25

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