On-board ice making keeps fish fresh

Novel energy-efficient equipment to make ice aboard fishing vessels will help keep fish fresh and support the European fishing industry.

Europe's fishing industry could benefit significantly if fishing boats had more efficient ice-making systems aboard to preserve and transport daily catches more efficiently. This EU-funded RECOICE (Development of a low cost, low power consumption system for manufacturing liquid ice for fishing) project is working on this ambitious objective.

Based on a heat recovery system to power a Stirling engine, the project is aiming to produce ice without using extra power from fishing boats. It is looking to capture heat from the boat's diesel engine and exhaust pipe by harnessing waste energy with the help of a heat exchanger to power the system's cooling unit.

To achieve its aims, the project team conducted a market study and researched available literature on the topic. It outlined the specifications to build the system, considering as well its economic feasibility and technical limitations revolving around the engine, heat exchanger, cooler and disinfestation unit. RECOICE then measured exhaust gas temperature measurements on an actual ship and worked on developing the heat exchanger, articulating the necessary design to produce the equipment.

Work also progressed on choosing the right materials to build the equipment, refine the design of the Stirling engine and conduct the initial thermodynamic calculations. The project team manufactured the binary ice technology to produce pumpable ice that can be easily transported through pipes over longer distances as well. This would enable boat crews to maintain ice in thermal storages during off-peak times and use it when needed. Moreover the liquid ice will not bruise the sensitive fish skin, making it more appealing and valuable on the market.

The work is completed on the disinfestation unit, and once the Stirling-engine is manufactured, the project will have completed a viable prototype for smaller and medium-sized fishing boats. The resulting eco-friendly ice generator system will support European fisheries through more sustainable fishing and aquaculture, a healthier marine environment and a more economically viable industry. Significant savings in diesel and ice will ensure better products, less emissions and a streamlined fishing industry.

published: 2016-01-07

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