Improving eastern European aquaculture

An EU-funded project is improving research capacity, infrastructure and intellectual property (IP) protection at an eastern European centre of excellence in aquaculture.

The Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) is a centre of aquaculture research and development in the eastern European region. However, the Institute's infrastructure and research capacity needs to be improved to fulfil this role.

To achieve this, the AQUAREDPOT (Improvement of research and innovation potential of Research Institute for Fisheries, Aquaculture and Irrigation (HAKI) to promote technological development in central and eastern European aquaculture) project was established. AQUAREDPOT is improving HAKI by hiring new researchers, building new equipment and spreading the word about the research taking place there.

Eleven research exchanges have taken place so far between HAKI and other European aquaculture research facilities. AQUAREDPOT has also overseen 4 training courses for more than 40 people as well as several international workshops.

The project has also allowed for HAKI to hire seven new researchers and build new aquaculture facilities for research. HAKI is also restoring a recirculating aquaculture system.

Finally, AQUAREDPOT has run an IP course at HAKI, and evaluated current research for potential IP. In the long term, AQUAREDPOT will help HAKI become the leading aquaculture institute in eastern Europe.

published: 2015-11-13

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