Creating a GMO research network

An EU project is taking the steps needed to establish a European research network in the field of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) for health, environment and society.

European Research Area (ERA) research networks (called ERA-Nets) are regional networks designed to promote cohesive and results-driven research. Establishing an ERA-Net in GMOs will help Europe become a world leader in this area, but requires extensive planning.

The PRESTO GMO ERA-NET (Preparatory steps towards a GMO research ERA-Net) project aims to plan out the steps required to establish the envisioned ERA-Net for GMO research.

Thus far, the project has established relationships with similar projects, and obtained a large database from one such organisation. Project partners are working to get more data to better understand the state of European GMO research.

Another aspect of PRESTO GMO ERA-NET is surveying current GMOs under development in the EU. This involved researchers reviewing academic literature, conducting interviews with industry leaders and running workshops. They found that industry was generally hesitant to share their information.

Lastly, PRESTO GMO ERA-NET has created a network of funding bodies for GMO research. Future project work will focus on creating a strategic implementation plan and ensuring commitment to the new ERA-NET from researchers and industry leaders.

published: 2015-10-30

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