High-tech sustainable food packaging

EU researchers have developed an advanced food packaging system that reduces food waste and contamination, and limits the future environmental costs of packaging materials.

Global food wastage is estimated at 10 % of total food produced, and a large part of this is caused by food spoilage in shops. Innovative packaging may hold the answers to reducing this waste and extending the shelf life of fresh foods.

The ISA-PACK (A flexible sustainable active and intelligent packaging technology platform enabling enhanced shelf life, quality and safety of fresh food produce) project aimed to develop sustainable and intelligent packaging for perishable fresh food produce. The project focused on packaging fresh steak, wanting to extend shelf life and quality, enhance safety, and reduce food and packaging waste.

First, the project successfully tested biopolymers produced by bacteria from biological waste as a replacement for currently used plastic films. They also incorporated antimicrobial compounds for longer shelf life, and scaled up that process to industrial scale.

Another major aspect of ISA-PACK led to creation of printable sensors to monitor freshness and temperature over time. These were tested and validated on a meat packaging production line and through consumer surveys. One of the sensors was patented.

Finally, the project completed a life-cycle assessment as well as an economic and societal assessment for the products developed during its lifetime. This innovative packaging system reduces wastage, increases shelf life and improves food safety for European consumers.

published: 2015-10-29

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