Enhancing the quality of dried foods

The dried food industry in Europe is in decline because of mounting concerns over quality and consumer demands. An EU initiative aims to reverse the trend and boost competitiveness by developing innovative technology to dry products while maintaining quality.

European dried food producers and food processing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) face a number of challenges, namely low-quality products, excessive use of energy in drying raw materials and negative impact on the environment.

The EU-funded STEAMDRY (Superheated steam-based process for low energy and high quality drying of food and food residues) project set out to supply high-quality processed foods while making the drying process more energy and cost efficient as well as environmentally friendly.

To achieve this, development is underway on a number of novel solutions. A prototype dryer was created that enables improved heat transfer. Work has also begun on technology that gets rid of dust and particles from steam. This allows steam to be reused, minimises maintenance and reduces energy consumption.

Project partners are developing a process control system that characterises the smell of food before, during and after drying. A sensor that checks food drying quality such as hazardous aroma compounds in steam is being specified and designed. Various fruit and vegetable compounds have been identified. Once complete, the sensor will be integrated into the system.

STEAMDRY is developing state-of-the-art tools to better dry fruit and vegetables in a sustainable way while respecting the environment. By retaining nutritional and caloric values and maintaining aroma, food producers and SMEs will be able to stem the tide of negative consumer perception and low confidence, and ultimately see dwindling dried food sales rise once again.

published: 2015-10-26

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