Validation of new technologies to replace in-feed antibiotics in pig and poultry production

An EU-funded project has validated new technologies for reducing pathogen, reducing mortality and improving life-time growth performance, maternal immune transfer and meat quality in pig and poultry.

The THRIVE-RITE (Natural compounds to enhance productivity, quality and health in intensive farming systems) is an EU-FP7 project which aims to identify solutions to problems encountered in intensive monogastric animal production. These problems include rising food costs, ban on in-feed antibiotics and reduced productivity. The use of in-feed antibiotics to enhance growth and productivity on farms is no longer permitted (Regulations (EC) No. 1831/2003, 1334/2003). While use of in-feed antibiotics in pig and poultry has been reduced, the use of therapeutic antibiotics has increased.

In 2013, the European Medicines Agency reported that exceptionally high levels of antibiotics are currently being administered by veterinarians in Cyprus, Italy, Spain, and Germany, raising concerns of an imminent rise of drug-resistant pathogens in the EU. The main reason for this problem is the lack of viable alternatives to banned in-feed antibiotics. Alternatives such as zinc oxide also face increased scrutiny due to environmental implications.

THRIVE-RITE was established to solve the above problems. THRIVE-RITE consists of highly progressive enterprises with established records in developing feed additives: BioAtlantis Ltd. (Ireland), Clasado Ingredients Ltd. (Malta) and Drobex-Agro Sp. Z.o.o. (Poland). The enterprises have developed novel, natural-based products which enhance animal health, performance and immunity. THRIVE-RITE combines the technology of the enterprises with leading European research institutes and food producers, including: University College Dublin (Ireland), Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (UK), University of Science and Technology (Poland), University of Molise (Italy), Truly Irish Country Foods Ltd. (Ireland) and Drobex-Agro Sp. Z.o.o. (Poland).

A 2-Stage validation approach was employed in THRIVE-RITE, ensuring that findings from academia were also validated under large-scale commercial conditions. A range of products were validated to achieve the following: enhanced productivity as measured by ADG & FCR, reductions in pig and poultry mortality, reductions in levels of pathogenic bacteria and viruses, increased antibody transfer to offspring via maternal transfer, enhanced gut health & immunity and improved meat quality in pig & poultry.

Products validated in THRIVE-RITE include: BioAtlantis Ltd.: LactoShield® (maternal application), SensoryPlus™ (application to finisher pigs to enhance meat quality), DiNovo® (in ovo injection, poultry application), Clasado Ingredients Ltd.: Bi2tos® (application to pig &, poultry and in ovo injection), Drobex-Agro Sp. Z o.o: Lupin oligosaccharides (application to poultry and in ovo injection).

published: 2015-10-16

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