New ideas for mixed farming

Agriculture faces numerous challenges when it comes to conserving natural resources such as water and phosphorus, and maintaining soil fertility and biodiversity. An EU-funded project will help alleviate environmental problems in crop and livestock production by designing innovative mixed farming systems (MFSs).

The aim of the 'Crops and animals together' (CANTOGETHER) project is to design prototype MFSs. These MFSs combine animal and crop production and are based on a European network of existing experimental and commercial farms. The farms will act as case studies and cover a wide range of natural and socioeconomic conditions.

Project partners will form focus groups across Europe to help design MFS prototypes. The most promising MFSs will be subject to detailed economic and environmental assessments. The results will provide feedback to the focus groups to further improve MFSs design and draw up recommendations for a common agricultural policy promoting their development.

The innovative systems developed by CANTOGETHER are based on the simultaneous use of crops and a variety of livestock. The recycling of animal manure will ensure the reuse of nutrients and decrease the need for man-made fertilisers. Reliance on other external inputs such as pesticides, animal feed and energy will be also reduced by project partners. A life-cycle assessment (LCA) based on indicators and models will be used to assess environmental impacts.

Nitrogen inputs will be reduced by recycling animal manure and by the production of legumes that can be used as animal feed. An overall decrease in nitrogen inputs will correspondingly reduce nitrous oxide emissions, the so-called greenhouse gasses (GHGs). Furthermore, the prototype MFSs will facilitate the cogeneration of renewable energy through animal waste recycling and production of dedicated crops. Thus, the development of energy self-sufficient farms and increased profitability could go hand in hand.

Prototype MFSs developed by CANTOGETHER will help mitigate the impacts of GHG emissions. Introducing long-term pastures and the diversifying local crop production are some such methods that will reduce methane emissions from livestock. Expansion in the area of long-term pastures will help increase soil–organic matter concentrations and reduce erosion, thereby contributing to the conservation of soil quality.

CANTOGETHER will enable European agriculture to become more environment-friendly, but also more productive and less reliant on external inputs. Consequently, European competitiveness in the global market place will also increase in a sustainable manner.

published: 2015-09-30

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