Unravelling the complexities of food chains

Consumers are becoming increasingly aware that the type of food they choose to buy and where it comes from impacts their health, the environment, local economies and societies. An EU initiative is analysing global and local food supply systems and their performance.

The growing demand for local foods has boosted regional production of goods, and this has begun to challenge and even displace global food chains. Empowered farmers, consumers and communities need correct information to make informed and responsible choices, further to develop socially mediated judgments on food. Despite new research and related policies, food chains remain quite complex. This can lead to inaccuracies, misinformation and incomplete data.

To address the complexity of food chains, the EU-funded GLAMUR (Global and local food chain assessment: A multidimensional performance-based approach) project is integrating the economic, social, environmental, health and ethical dimensions associated with the production and consumption of food into comprehensive decision-making tools. The tools will examine, assess and compare global and local food chains, ultimately turning the knowledge gained into practice.

During the first reporting period, a systematic review explained how the performance of food chains is communicated in the public, scientific, market and policy domains. It also considered how such performance is measured in science literature. This led to a repository of local and global food performance across a range of criteria, including real costs and benefits, resilience and food security. As sustainability is a multidimensional concept, measurement of food chain performance aims to capture this multidimensionality.

A database has been designed and developed that will contain all information on food chain performance. A policy report identifying the key policies that influence local and global food chains and several critical points that may affect their performance was delivered.

Three dozen case studies covering pork, dairy, fruits and vegetables, wine and grains are underway. The comparison and contrast of various food chains has also begun, with the ultimate aim to support actors in their decision making processes.

GLAMUR is taking a holistic approach to the intricacies of food chains. It envisions sustainable food chains that will lead to responsible business and more informed and satisfied consumers.

published: 2015-08-06

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