Drastically reducing Europe's food waste

An estimated one third of global food production is not consumed. An EU initiative is working towards a 50 % reduction in EU food waste by 2020.

By eliminating food waste, Europe could potentially contribute to a more resource-efficient Europe, enhancing food security and massively reducing the negative environmental consequences associated with food production, processing and transportation.

The EU-funded 'Food use for social innovation by optimising waste prevention strategies' (FUSIONS) project aims to enable, encourage, engage and support Europe to reduce food waste at all levels of the food supply chain.

Partners began by defining food waste and developed a technical framework to monitor flows in the food system. Researchers suggested methods for standardising the ways in which food waste data are collected, analysed and utilised across the EU. They identified the drivers and causes of food waste and mechanisms for reducing it.

Researchers also assessed the socioeconomic and environmental impacts of food waste, and reviewed EU and national legislation influencing socially innovative measures to reduce food waste in the supply chain.

A European multi-stakeholder platform was set up comprising more than 185 members from leading European organisations. The platform is being supported by a series of meetings in different regions aimed at exchanging ideas and making recommendations for food waste reduction.

Project members mapped and analysed existing legislation and policies that impact food waste in Member States, and evaluated current food waste trends. A report on how to stimulate social innovation through policy measures has been drafted.

Through the delivery of seven feasibility studies, FUSIONS demonstrates the impact of social innovation in preventing food waste, their up-scaling potential, and connection to the policy and governmental measures that are enabling change. In 2015 FUSIONS engaged with networks of social innovation entrepreneurs to encourage replication and to facilitate new business development.

FUSIONS outcomes are responding to the major resource efficiency challenges introduced by food waste. The project will ultimately lay out the planned steps for a more resource-efficient Europe.

published: 2015-08-04

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