Providing efficient and affordable food-drying methods

Drying heat-sensitive foods in order to produce high-quality products is a challenge. An EU initiative has delivered a novel food-drying technology to achieve faster drying times and reduced energy consumption.

The drying of food is an ancient and generally effective method of preservation. Modern methods include heating, which can adversely affect sensitive foodstuffs unless the process is controlled very carefully. Taste, aroma, texture and appearance are all at risk.

Funded by the EU, the 'Novel microwave-assisted vacuum drying for heat sensitive foods' (MILD-DRY) project delivered an alternative technology for the dehydration of heat-sensitive food. The technology combines the benefits of two effective microwave and vacuum methods, and achieves a 40 % reduction in drying time plus energy savings. The innovation results in improved quality and nutritional value of dried foods compared to conventional methods. Treated food is analysed to ensure its safety and to assess its quality and shelf life.

Project members initially specified the needs of dried-food processors. Next, efforts focused on laboratory tests using the microwave-assisted vacuum drying to successfully dehydrate various fruits and vegetables. An industrial-scale prototype was developed for validation in commercial food-drying facilities.

The system design focused on positive economic returns, taking into account the start-up and maintenance costs, electricity use, ease of operation and added value. Project partners developed a commercial exploitation strategy, which may lead to patents.

MILD-DRY introduced a new food-drying concept that is robust and easy to maintain, making it an attractive solution for food driers and suppliers. Small and medium-sized enterprises in the European food-drying industry will become more competitive with an affordable technology that overcomes cost limitations.

published: 2015-08-04

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