Improving refrigeration technology

Refrigeration technology stakeholders are working together to research and develop new technologies for more efficient energy usage and food storage.

The energy required for food refrigeration accounts for 8 % of electric power and 2.5 % of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide. The efficiency of food refrigeration has a safety, economic and environmental impact, affecting everyone through the success of companies and as actual consumers. The FRISBEE project is working to improve refrigeration and the cold chain overall, working with a total of 26 partners across 12 EU Member States.

Researchers are studying the entire cold chain, including packaging, handling, storage, transporting, and retail and household refrigerators. Specifically, the project aims to enhance food quality, consumer confidence and the competitiveness of European industries, in addition to reducing energy consumption for environmental sustainability.

The first part of the project involved assessment of the current cold chain and consumer expectations within Europe. A survey of the needs of refrigeration operators in Europe was used and a comprehensive database of the European cold chain established, which is continuously updated. Tools were also established and used to determine where the greatest environmental impact lies within cold food storage and various types of refrigerators.

New technologies are being developed, including the design for a domestic magnetic refrigerator and the characterisation of phase change materials (PCMs) used in food packaging. The nanoencapsulation of PCMs is being explored and research has confirmed its positive impact on energy use reduction.

A study was also conducted on the use of nanoparticles in refrigeration at low temperatures, looking at its potential benefits and technical and safety implications. Other developing technologies include a simulation tool to predict ice formation during superchilling, and a WINTIX model with nucleation as well as a model for ice crystals.

Currently, a field test on real cold chains in four countries is being conducted. Also, software is being developed to allow use of the FRISBEE database and Predictor tool.

The results of this research continue to be disseminated through the project website and intranet as well as through journal publications and newsletters. The technology and research results continue to emerge from this project, aiding the entire European food industry, economy, environment and all consumers worldwide.

published: 2015-04-01

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