New supplements for bread and juices

An EU-funded project is supplementing breads, biscuits and juices with nutritional additives from milk and potatoes.

Iron deficiency, hypertension and metabolic diseases are growing health concerns for European populations. One way to address the problem is through functional foods — supplementing everyday foods with the nutrients and minerals required for good health.

The FOFIND project aims to use the previously developed product Lowpept and casein phosphopeptides (CPPs) to supplement foods like bread and biscuits. Lowpept is a digested casein protein with anti-hypertension properties, and CPPs are by-products of the same process that yields Lowpept.

Both Lowpept and CPPs bind iron salts, which makes them promising supplements to prevent anaemia. Researchers have developed an easy method to measure bound iron, and used it to test how well iron is trapped by these peptides.

The project has produced and tested a number of breads, biscuits and juice-based beverages using these supplements. Tasting panels have concluded that taste, smell and texture were not affected by supplementation.

A preliminary market study has been completed, which suggests that public reaction to these new products will be positive. When commercially available, the products developed by FOFIND will lead to an improvement in the overall health of European citizens.

published: 2015-03-18

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