Genetic analysis of animal feed

An EU project is devising a way of determining and certifying the species composition of animal feed using genetic methods. The project has prioritised 31 species, and so far two assay procedures consistently identify the target DNA

To address food quality issues, new European regulations impose strict requirements concerning the labelling, packaging and presentation of animal feed. The regulations mean that producers must state the exact species composition of the feed, which is not a simple matter.

European producers need a system for accurately, and preferably automatically, determining feed composition. Developing such a method is the goal of the EU-funded FEED-CODE project. The 11-member consortium aims to provide a code for certifying the exact composition of animal feed, in accordance with the regulations. The project concept is based on molecular biology, giving the ability to genetically detect a variety of plant species (including undeclared) in the feed mixture. Work relies on two patents made available by the Italian government. Work began in early 2012 and concludes in November 2015.

Achievements during the first 15 months include verifying the applicability of the process via an analysis of needs and priorities, including definition of the project's system. Another early step was identifying a list of 31 priority species, and creation of a suitable database. The team confirmed that the tubulin-based polymorphism (TBP) genetic assay procedure could be reliably automated using a modified capillary electrophoresis (CE)-TBP.

Project researchers prepared two different kinds of species-specific molecular probes. Both showed consistent results, and for both the investigators defined appropriate protocols for DNA isolation. Furthermore, protocols for DNA extraction and purification have been developed, as has an inhibitory test.

Early testing of the genetic methods allowed assessment of the limits of the CE-TBP. The project also prepared prototype software. The group has prepared measurement protocols for the entire platform, and preliminary system validation on feed samples has been conducted.

FEED-CODE will result in a system capable of automatically determining the species composition of animal feed samples. That will afford greater compliance with EU regulations according to a new standard, and allow certification of compliant producers and products.

published: 2015-03-16

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