The EU-financed project PROMISE, launched in January 2012, aims to address some of these concerns and issues.
The overall goal of the initiative is to improve and strengthen
integration between the EU's new and old Member States and candidate
countries regarding food safety. The focus is on common food safety
threats and protecting European consumers.
The 36 month project is linked with several other EU-funded schemes
and will benefit from their results and know-how. The general objectives
include boosting collaboration and knowledge transfer through exchange
of expertise, regional training and dissemination actions.
Another objective is to integrate public health and national food
safety authorities in order to exploit research results. The consortium
also seeks to analyse, assess and interpret the risk of introducing new
strains of pathogen by illegal importation of food from third countries
into the EU, where the food supply chains are not controlled.
PROMISE has successfully organised several meetings to help achieve
these objectives. Late last year, in Dublin, it organised a training
workshop for young researchers and the first specific stakeholder event.
Young researchers from different countries were trained on methods,
techniques and practical knowledge of detecting food pathogens.
Meanwhile, the first specific stakeholder event, focused on food safety
issues due to pathogenic organisms, was offered as a webinar throughout
At events like this and others, PROMISE brings together
stakeholders, such as public health and national food safety
authorities, from EU Member States in order to ensure that research
results are fully exploited for standardisation and harmonisation.
PROMISE is coordinated by the University of Veterinary Medicine in
Vienna. Prof Martin Wagner, Head of the Institute for Milk Hygiene, Milk
Technology and Food Science, is its scientific coordinator.
Professor Wagner noted, 'The PROMISE scientific approach focuses on
microbiological risks and their mitigation. Much is known in the EU and
candidate countries on classical routes of transmission of pathogens
within food chains. Nevertheless, border controls at places like
airports and border checkpoints seem to be ineffective barriers at
preventing import of food items.'
Pathogens attack the food supply chain at certain points, usually in
the pre-harvest or harvest area, and can then survive decontamination
procedures through their adaptive responses to remain in the final
Another major part of the PROMISE focuses on dissemination, exploitation, training and an exchange programme for researchers.
Dissemination and training activities, such as the training session
for young researchers in Dublin, are being organised. Besides a project
website which communicates general information on the project and its
results, further communication material will be produced.
For industry and SMEs, special dissemination workshops will be prepared in close conjunction with the target group concerned.
A successful review meeting was organised in Vienna in October 2013
and showed that PROMISE is in line with its objectives and workplan.
Source: Uniwersytet Medycyny Weterynaryjnej w Wiedniu
Reference documents: Based on a CORDIS Wire press release from PROMISE.