Managing hazardous chemicals worldwide

A global collaboration has collected information on and developed strategies for global risk-based management of harmful chemicals and additives.

In recent years, global regulation of hazardous chemicals and compounds has led to the Globally Harmonized System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS). However, research and development is still required to limit the environmental impact of these harmful chemicals and products and ensure that the GHS is a successful tool.

the EU-funded RISKCYCLE (Risk-based management of chemicals and products in a circular economy at a global scale) project brought international experts together to define the future research and development needs for risk-based hazardous chemicals management.

in particular, RISKCYCLE looked at the ecological design of consumer products, as well as their production, use and reuse on a global scale. The project used methods such as life-cycle assessment, risk assessment and risk-reduction strategies, environmental impact analysis and material flow analysis for this task.

researchers compiled large data sets on usage, risks, chemical properties and labelling, and additives in consumer and industrial products for public use. RISKCYCLE focused on the role of these additives in textiles, electronics, plastics, leather, paper and lubricants, identifying the top five additives for each sector.

these data were collated into a database, now available on the project website. Researchers also compiled the project findings into two book volumes: 'Risk-based management of chemical additives I' and II.

in addition, RISKCYCLE held numerous workshops and meetings where partners were called on to exchange project results and information about their institutions and fields of work. The project has made information about the risks of hazardous chemicals and additives in products and the risk reduction measures for substances widely available.

published: 2015-09-09

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