Bioterrorism involves using infectious agents or other harmful
biological or biochemical substances as weapons. Besides instilling
fear, attacks against agriculture using plant pathogens as bioweapons
(agroterrorism) would cause economic losses and give rise to political
The EU-funded 'Plant and food biosecurity' (
project established a virtual Plant and Food Biosecurity Centre to
enhance international preparedness against agroterrorism attacks.
Team members first identified the most threatening plant pathogens
and pests to the most important food crops as priorities for research
and regulatory policy. They then studied the fungal pathogen Fusarium
proliferatum, which damages crops and impacts human health through
cancer-causing toxins, as a model for deliberate pest introduction.
Human foodborne pathogens that cause disease outbreaks were also
flagged as potential bioweapons. To contain threats from deliberate food
contamination, structures were put in place for coordinated
European-wide disease surveillance, detection and response programmes. A
risk evaluation scheme specific for agroterrorism threats has been
developed and a framework for a virtual web-based diagnostic network,
with the temporary acronym EUPFSIS (EU Plant and Food Security
Information System) has been created.
PLANTFOODSEC played a central role in plant and food biosecurity
dissemination, awareness and communication. This will improve national
and regional responses to agroterrorism threats.