Intense focus on
counterterrorism efforts has been somewhat evident in recent years as a
result of traumatic events in urban areas, such as 9/11. Urban areas are
specifically targeted due to their high population density and cultural
significance. It is difficult in urban areas for security forces to
detect unusual behaviour or control access to urban locations. These
forces have to navigate a balance between privacy and security.
To enhance security and mitigate the consequences of terrorism,
techniques for recognising the signs of attacks, and for quickly
assessing responsive capabilities, must be improved. The 'Tactical
approach to counter terrorists in cities' (TACTICS) project is focused on such improvements.
TACTICS aims to create a more effective counterterrorism system that
prevents any bias and avoids false negatives or false positives when
assessing threats or attacks. It does this by separating analysis of the
threat into three parts and assigning different security forces to each
The first part is threat management, which looks at decisions based
on the overall operational picture. TACTICS aims to provide expert
knowledge at the time of the actual threat to allow for quicker and more
precise orders. The second part is threat decomposition, improving
preparedness by decomposing threats into observable terrorist behaviours
that can be detected in urban environments. The third part is
capability management, which will provide improved knowledge of
capabilities for responsive action immediately after the event. By
dividing and improving on these three aspects, TACTICS proposes a more
efficient team effort through which to detect, assess and respond to
TACTICS has held an end user workshop, where possible attack
scenarios were discussed and the concept of operations simulated. This
and the analysis of historical attacks in a structured non-biased way
are being used to improve the system.
Ultimately, TACTICS will improve the effectiveness of security
forces in counterterrorism efforts in urban areas. Local forces will be
able to better maintain public order and national forces will more
efficiently analyse threats and risk as well as coordinate
anti-terrorist security accordingly. Such contributions will be crucial
in the overall fight against terrorism.