Traditional methods used to contain flooded rivers — embankments and
sand-bags — are extremely labour intensive. Furthermore, global warming
will mean more frequent and severe floods, straining such methods to
breaking point.
An EU-funded project proposed a portable, inflatable barrier to protect specific sensitive locations against flood waters. The
consortium involved 9 members in the 28-month venture, which concluded
in January 2014. The automatic system consisted of a mechanical
sub-system, involving floating components and a skirt, plus a sensor and
communication module.
The group began with detailed stakeholder questionnaires to assess
current and expected flood-protection factors, including legislation and
technologies. The information aided the study and subsequent modelling
of the behaviour of previous floods.
Team members prepared design models and documentation for three
prototype versions. The prototypes, one of which included the sensor
unit, were manufactured and tested. The standard laboratory testing
method according to the 30 minute JONSWAP wave spectrum with a mean
period of 1.03 s and 100 mm wave height was adapted and also currents
less than 1.5 m/s. Results showed that the device automatically deployed
with rising flood levels and deflated as the flood receded. The system
can also be easily folded and transported.
The project also conducted field tests in Dublin and Hungary. The
results yielded a Best Practice Guide. In addition, the group devised
and conducted a training programme.
INFLATER resulted in a versatile and automatically self-inflating
flood barrier that monitors flood conditions and its own status, which
information it also transmits wirelessly. The system offers considerable
international market potential.