Convenient high-tech surveillance systems are becoming very popular in
order to ensure security at many levels, but their intrusive nature is
also creating concern among citizens. The EU-funded project 'RESPECT –
Rules, expectations & security through privacy-enhanced convenient
technologies' (
RESPECT) is looking at how information and communication technologies in surveillance balance security with privacy.
Investigating how citizens perceive such a balance, including their
levels of awareness and attitudes in this respect, the project team is
developing privacy-enhancing solutions that address shortcomings.
Specifically, it is investigating key areas in surveillance research,
namely closed-circuit television, database mining and interconnection,
online social network analysis, radio frequency identification,
geo-location/sensor devices and financial tracking.
To achieve its aims, RESPECT is reviewing the effectiveness of
surveillance systems, examining social and economic costs in adopting
them, looking at legal implications and establishing best practices in
the field. It is finalising a toolkit for policymakers that features a
checklist of factors (social, economic, legal etc.) to help them
understand and select the most appropriate systems. The toolkit also
includes system design guidelines and regulations that law enforcement
agencies can adopt when deploying surveillance systems.
Already, the project has made significant progress in all the areas
under study, from database mining to financial tracking. It also
completed documentation of the relevant laws on surveillance,
identifying safeguards, shortcomings and best practices. The results
were presented in the first RESPECT policy workshop titled OPENSUR-2013
Privacy Enabled Surveillance?, held in Slovenia in 2013.
Once the project is complete, policymakers and law enforcement
agencies will have sophisticated guidelines and tools to help redress
the balance between security and privacy. The two concepts need not be
mutually exclusive, and European citizens will hopefully be able to
experience the best of both worlds.