With EU funding, the
(Seamless human-robot cooperation for intelligent, flexible and safe
operations in the assembly factories of the future) project seeks to
combine the capacities and cognitive abilities of humans with
cutting-edge industrial automation systems for assembly operations.
To achieve its aims, the project is introducing a broad range of technological solutions for seamless cooperation between workers and robots in industrial settings. These include: highly intuitive interfaces for safe collaboration during assembly; user-friendly support systems; advanced safety strategies and equipment; robust methods and software tools; simplified robot programming; mobile ground and overhead robots; and a flexible integration and communication system for shared data.
During the first project period, partners defined pilot case scenarios concerning the automotive, white goods and large parts inspection industries. The demonstrations involve the assembly of a car's rear axle and a refrigerator part by robots and operators, as well as a joint 3D inspection of large parts.
Focus was also placed on end-user requirements that can be applied to other industries, including identification of requirements for human-robot collaboration and workspace sharing, definition of validation metrics for each pilot case, and the capturing of hardware and software requirements for safe human-robot cooperation.
The project is currently in the design, implementation and integration phase. Design work has been completed in technologies and devices for human-robot collaboration, programming libraries, mobile unit hardware and software components, as well as common integration and communication architecture.
ROBO-PARTNER envisions an assembly line where robots assist human operators in successfully carrying out tasks. This will result in a more productive and safer industrial workplace that produces better products.