Car manufacturers have been using stationary robots to help build their
products for years, but airplanes are constructed differently, posing
challenges to the use of robotics. Until now, the manner in which planes
are built and put together has meant that shifts of workers carry out
assembly and inspection. ‘If we can solve the very complicated technical
hurdles that prevent widespread uptake of robots in production, we can
free-up people to work on the more value-added work,’ explains the
VALERI Project’s Coordinator, Mr Jose Saenz.
The industry is booming and such research will consolidate its already considerable growth. AreoSpace and Defense Industries
show that in 2012, just under 500 000 people worked in the aerospace
sector, which generated a revenue of EUR 128 billion, up from 458 000
people and EUR 107 billion in 2010.
Valeri (Validation of Advanced, Collaborative Robotics for
Industrial Applications) is supported by the European Commission under
7th Framework Programme (
Factories of the Future Public-Private Partnership ) . It brings together
seven partners
from Spain, Germany and Austria who are building a working laboratory
prototype and will verify it in a factory setting. By 2015 the
consortium plans to develop applications and test mobile robots that
could later be integrated in the production of aerospace components.
These ‘mobile manipulators’ will be able to access small spaces and,
although challenging to the programmers, the goal is to have them
working on similar tasks, in multiple locations. A key hurdle to
overcome is the complex programming demanded by the fact that the robots
will not be static or performing identical tasks in repetitive
Producing quality work, safely
The project’s scope is ambitious: not only will the robots have to
work with high precision but they will need to do so while moving around
humans. Currently in the manufacturing sector, robots have been
segregated from the people working on the shop floor, ‘We have to make
sure we have the necessary technology in place to make collaboration
possible,’ says Mr Saenz. Tactile sensors and computer vision will
permit sophisticated programming designed to stop a robot in its tracks
should there be any chance of danger.
The emphasis is clearly on safety, both for the sake of the people
working alongside the robots but also regarding the industry’s low
tolerance for error. ‘The results need to be as good, or better, than
those achieved by humans,’ Mr Saenz explains. To make sure the machines
can carry out their processes with the required quality; robots will
pass over what they have done with a camera to inspect their results,
verifying that everything has been carried out to the necessary
The potential benefits are clear. Repetitive strain injuries and
back problems necessitating sick leave, or even retirement, can be
avoided. An ageing workforce with valuable expertise can be preserved as
physically demanding tasks are farmed out to machines. The cost of
production can be kept competitive, ensuring manufacturing isn’t
outsourced to cheaper markets, ‘Designers and engineers benefit from
having production near at hand to get the feedback they need and inspire
innovation’, Mr Saenz says.
The concept is still very much in the laboratory phase, but if all
goes well, robots would be phased in gradually, ‘No one is suddenly
going to lose their jobs,’ explains Mr Saenz. On the contrary, the
robots would allow people to stay in work longer, handling the
physically stressful or very repetitive tasks, ‘Expertise and know-how
can be more highly valued’, he adds.
The project is getting direct input from the floor of the Airbus and
Austrian FACC factory (two of the partners in the project) as people
say what tasks they would like their metal co-workers to handle. ‘If
robots are hard to set up or monitor, people will always prefer to
quickly step in and do the task themselves,’ Mr Saenz adds. ‘We don’t
want to be creating costly machines that then end up in the corner
gathering dust. We want to make robots that will work alongside humans,
doing the things humans don’t want to do, to free up the people to do
the brain work.’
Link to project on CORDIS
Link to project's website
Link to related video
Link to VALERI flyer