"Telematics for Libraries" - Call topics 1996

The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a detailed list of the topics relating to the "Libraries" sector of the specific RTD programme in the field of Telematics Applications, for which proposals will be invited under the next call for proposals, due to be launched on ...

The European Commission, DG XIII, has published a detailed list of the topics relating to the "Libraries" sector of the specific RTD programme in the field of Telematics Applications, for which proposals will be invited under the next call for proposals, due to be launched on 17 December 1996.

The topics, twelve in total, are grouped into the three Action Lines laid down in the "Libraries" work programme. The document provides additional context for proposed actions by providing a series of scenarios or action areas through which the goals of each Action Line may be addressed. The topics listed are not, however, intended to be comprehensive or mandatory. They may be used by proposers as a focus, since they reflect priority actions with good potential to contribute to the programme objectives.

The call topics listed are as follows:

- Action Line A: Network-oriented Internal Library Systems (Objectives: Ensure that libraries are better placed to offer network-based services):

. Call Topic 1: Integration tools and interfaces for library systems in the local network;
. Call Topic 2:Tools and methods for the creation and use of library materials in electronic form;
. Call Topic 3: Development and testing of tools for the management and administration of library services in an electronic environment;

- Action Line B: Telematics Applications for Interconnected Library Services (Objectives: Improve co-operation, resource development and resource sharing between libraries and encourage the shift from collection to access based services through interconnections between libraries, suppliers and publishers):

. Call Topic 4-5 bis: Distributed library services;
. Call Topic 6 bis: Services for the acquisition and supply of materials to libraries;
. Call Topic 7 bis: Models for distributed digital libraries and associated services;

- Action Line C: Library Services for Access to Networked Information Resources (Objectives: Build on and extend information resources and services mediated and delivered by libraries):

. Call Topic 8-9-10 bis: Adding value to networked information services delivered through libraries;
. Call Topic 11: User applications supporting unified access to combined networked information and library-based resources;
. Call Topic 12: Integrating library services with distance learning environments.

last modification: 2017-08-07

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