"I''d like to make information you can touch" - daily highlights of IST 98

Daily updates on the progress of the IST 98 conference taking place in Vienna this week are available on-line at the conference web site. Services include a daily newsletter at http://www.de.infowin.org/ACTS/IST/ rounding up proceedings at the conference, and picking out some ...

Daily updates on the progress of the IST 98 conference taking place in Vienna this week are available on-line at the conference web site. Services include a daily newsletter at http://www.de.infowin.org/ACTS/IST/ rounding up proceedings at the conference, and picking out some of the most provoking contributions.

Earlier this week Roy Stringer from the British content company Amaze gave his view of the future at the "Capturing Imagination" session. The idea of creating "information you can touch" comes from him, and is just one of the concepts and issues covered in Tuesday''s newsletter.

last modification: 2017-08-07 17:15:01

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