Novel technologies for green and clean ships

Ships are responsible for almost 5 % of the world's carbon dioxide emissions. An EU initiative is designing smart energy management strategies that will result in more energy-efficient shipping.

Cargo ships are significant greenhouse polluters. Improved shipboard engine and energy management systems would not only reduce emissions, but also provide opportunities for European business.

Overall, the EU-funded 'Innovative energy management system for cargo ship' (INOMANS2HIP) project aims to develop a management system based on integrating all sources of energy. The energy system is intended to gather and analyse engine data in real time, optimising energy needs while also reducing pollution and costs. The project is taking into account mature technologies as well as new and future innovations in development.

Work began with consideration of present and future European drivers for change, including legislation and regulation. Cargo ship architecture was evaluated regarding propulsion and electricity.

Input data was collected for existing cargo ships from current libraries. The project developed on-board energy characteristics for various items of ship equipment. A simulation tool was developed that will be used when analysing energy balance.

A cargo ship travelling from the United Kingdom to the Netherlands was chosen to demonstrate the technologies. On-board data was gathered and will be used by the advanced models and architectures currently under development.

The team investigated various energy systems used by cargo ships, and collected data for environmental and risk assessment studies.

INOMANS2HIP is looking to meet the demand for more energy-efficient, low-emission shipping. By helping to reduce emissions, fuel consumption and related costs, the project should boost the competitiveness of the merchant marine sector in Europe.

last modification: 2015-06-16 15:09:41

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