"Maritime Systems of the Future" Task Force - Achievements

The European Commission, DG III, has published an invitation to tender relating to the coordinated dissemination of the achievements of the Commission''s "Maritime Systems of the Future" Task Force.

Having regard to activities in relation to the maritime industry and to the "Maritime Systems of the Future" Task Force, the European Commission intends to launch a contract for technical assistance for the coordinated dissemination of the "Task Force Maritime Systems of the Future - Achievements".

This objective must be achieved by:

- Animating a properly structured series of technical workshops and plenary sessions (up to seven per year);
- Developing visibility actions through the relevant documentation for the implementation of the "Maritime Systems of the Future" Task Force;
- Developing multimedia information instruments in the framework of the maritime Information Society based on information provided by the "Maritime Industries" unit.

Only tenders for the entire contract will be given consideration.

The "Maritime Systems of the Future" Task Force offers a single interface and contact point for the European maritime industry, helping to coordinate Commission policy and programmes on maritime research and development. The Task Force brings together representatives from all European Commission research programmes relevant to the maritime industry.

published: 2017-08-07

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