DMD is a progressive muscle degenerative condition that stems from a
lack of the protein dystrophin. Loss of dystrophin leads to inflammation
and replacement of muscle with fibrous tissue.
Despite prenatal diagnosis, the incidence of DMD is 1 in 5 000
births due to novel mutations that arise in the dystrophin gene. The
dystrophin gene is one of the largest known, with 79 different
protein-coding regions referred to as exons. Mutations in one of these
exons interfere with the rest of the gene being put together and
producing a functional protein.
In Becker muscular dystrophy (BMD), DMD mutations still produce a
shortened but functional dystrophin protein, and most patients are able
to walk and have a normal lifespan. This occurs because although some
exons are missing, the remaining can join together.
Based on this observation, scientists have developed a method known
as exon skipping, which essentially encourages the cellular machinery to
skip the mutated exon. For this purpose, they are using
oligonucleotides as molecular patches to produce the shorter version of
the dystrophin protein.
Prior work by the members of the EU-funded
consortium successfully demonstrated the therapeutic outcome of
skipping exon 51 in clinical trials with boys with DMD. The scope of
SKIP-NMD is to extend this work in other children with DMD and perform
skipping of exon 53.
After finalising the optimal antisense oligonucleotide sequence,
researchers have performed toxicology and pharmacology studies to
prepare for the clinical trial. Good manufacturing practices- antisense
oligonucleotide molecules have been produced and a clinical trial
protocol has been submitted for authorisation. The study will also
validate novel outcome measures and assess the role of muscle magnetic
resonance imaging and spectroscopy and serum biomarkers levels as a
means of monitoring therapeutic intervention.
Although antisense oligonucleotide therapy is not a cure, and for
therapy to be effective it should be administered at regular intervals
throughout life, it is expected that this novel therapeutic intervention
will result in reduction of muscle damage and slow down disease
progression. The SKIP-NMD clinical trial is expected to provide novel
information on the efficacy of this novel RNA therapeutics compound and
establish the role for non-invasive monitoring of disease progression.