Europe's future with statistical physics

The European statistical physics community has established a long tradition of cross-border research collaborations. However, it has not so far acted together in coordinated efforts for young scientists to join research teams and enhance their career prospects.

With the financial support of the EU, the Initial Training Network (ITN) 'Statistical physics approaches to networks across disciplines' (NETADIS) provides the opportunity for young scientists to study the latest applications of statistical physics to network science. It consists of nine leading research institutes and four associated partners from six European countries.

A total of 12 fellows who were registered for PhD degrees have been recruited so far. NETADIS partners organise regular workshops and summer schools for these early-stage researchers (ESRs) to exchange research experiences, insights and new ideas. The largest training event held to date was the first summer school, which was attended by all ESRs and also open to experienced researchers from outside the ITN.

Through a multidisciplinary approach, NETADIS promotes advancing the state of the art in methods for analysis, control and optimisation of networks and their dynamics. The distinguishing feature of research within the NETADIS community is the identification of common traits in complex networks. Its ultimate aim is to maximise the adoption of statistical physics approaches for modelling socio-economy to neurobiological and social networks.

The numerous NETADIS results are described in scientific papers published in international peer-reviewed journals. In addition, research findings that were discussed during the first summer school have been made available on VideoLectures.NET, an open access repository of video lectures.

Innovative concepts developed within the NETADIS community have already been included in a White Paper setting priorities for big data research across different fields, from management and marketing to scientific research.

last modification: 2015-05-07

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