research*eu RESULTS PACK – Resource efficiency: Powering green growth for Europe

The latest research*eu RESULTS PACK– a collection of articles on EU-funded projects dedicated to a specific field of scientific research – is now available in free, accessible PDF. This brochure focuses on how innovative EU-funded research is delivering innovative solutions to increase green growth through resource efficiency and the move towards a truly genuine circular economy.

Growing demand and global competition for resources have been putting increasing pressure on the natural environment. Europe needs to stay competitive but it must also lead the way in finding sustainable and environmentally-friendly solutions to address these challenges.

By shifting to a low-carbon economy powered by green growth and a society that generates and shares economic and environmental benefits for all, European businesses will benefit from new opportunities that will save in material costs and allow them to grow in the face of pressing resource constraints and high environmental standards.

This will also serve to maximise resource productivity and minimise resource extraction and waste generation. A vast number of diverse sectors stand to benefit from such a paradigm shift, from waste, industrial production, raw materials and mining, food and agriculture.

This CORDIS Results Pack brochure showcases eight projects that have been paving the way in transitioning Europe to a more sustainable resource-efficient future. These include innovations in the food and agricultural sectors from the RESFOOD and BIOECOSIM projects respectively, to the WATER4CROPS and EWIT projects that have advanced cooperation between Europe and other regions of the world. Finally, empowering businesses and consumers with the tools and processes they need to be more energy efficient is just as vital a building block as new technologies in building a more sufficient, green economy, a challenge taken up earnestly by the GREENECONET, MYECOCOST and RESCOM projects.

As the EU continues to place emphasis on green growth, resource efficiency and moves towards a circular economy in the coming years, future research projects funded under Horizon 2020 will power forward where these projects have left off. Consequently, this Results Pack will be regularly updated to reflect the newest European innovations for addressing some of the largest economic and environmental challenges to face Europe – and the world – in the twenty-first century.

To download this brochure please visit:

published: 2017-06-14

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