Advanced modelling software has been developed for the assessment of environmental and human exposure to chemicals. This new tool integrates multimedia, PBPK and dose-response models to address the entire exposure assessment chain.
Understanding the nature and extent of exposure is key to understanding
the risk to human health from exposure to environmental contaminants.
With growing scientific insight on exposure pathways and how chemical
substances affect humans, new tools are required to address increasingly
complex exposure scenarios and to aid regulatory decision making.
In Human Health risk assessment exposure assessment is often the
weakest point for the following reasons: a lack of integrated approaches
for combined stressors (mixtures), widespread use of over-conservative
‘worst-case’ scenarios, an estimation of external exposures and not of
internal exposures, and a lack of uncertainty/sensitivity tools for
identification of key exposure drivers.
In response, advanced modelling software, called MERLIN-Expo, is now
being developed under the 4FUN project. This software has numerous
features, including the integration of multimedia and PBPK models -
crucial considering the future development of ‘Equivalent Biomonitoring
Reference Doses’ and the coverage of the total exposure assessment chain
and estimates of internal exposures for different human populations.
Another feature is that exposure through multiple pathways for multiple
chemicals is able to give estimates for combined exposures. There is
also the functionality for uncertainty and sensitivity analysis – an
essential element in-line with risk assessment guidelines published by
the WHO.
The EU-funded
4FUN project
builds on the previously developed modelling software 2FUN to model and
simulate human and environmental exposure to harmful chemicals.
While 2FUN was a prototype tool containing various models for
exposure assessment, 4FUN developers are testing, improving and
standardising the software for market release. They aim to demonstrate
the reliability of the modelling estimations, and the feasibility of
building complex realistic scenarios using case studies based on actual
The 4FUN project will develop a business model to bring the software
to market, and will provide support through training to ensure
long-term technical and economic viability.
Ultimately, MERLIN-Expo software will benefit regulators and
industries as well as researchers interested in the environmental or
health impacts of chemicals.