Engineering, manufacturing and construction

A new recycling method turns garments into biodegradable materials, paving the way for a more eco-friendly fashion industry.
Swedish company Coloreel announces partnership with Ricoh, the Japanese technology giant, to revolutionise the textile industry. The partnership will launch an EU-supported innovation which increases design options, improves production efficiency and minimises environmental impact.
A novel fully electrified car and passenger ferry will help efforts to decarbonise maritime transport. It will also overcome limitations in distances for such boats by targeting medium-range connections.
Researchers are making use of unarmed vehicles and robots to gather information and samples from crime or disaster scenes. Their initiative will help save lives.
A research team is helping robot developers design machines less likely to injure the humans they work with. How? With their novel ‘safety map’.
Companion robots will improve the lives of dementia sufferers and support their caregivers, thanks to an EU-backed project.
Researchers have demonstrated one of the perplexing features of quantum mechanics at a much larger scale. Their study could open doors for potentially revolutionary technologies like quantum computers and new kinds of sensors.
The drive towards energy-efficient electronics has led to new high-performance semiconductors on 200-mm substrates.
The first 5G testbeds have been launched in two European cities, allowing industries and smart city start-ups to test 5G applications citywide.
You may think that they’ve been around forever and you wouldn’t be wrong. Railway sleepers, the rectangular blocks that can be seen under railroad tracks, have not evolved much over the years. An Italian SME is looking to shake things up with a tailor-made, sustainable sleeper technology.
A new, wearable sensor tests pH levels in sweat, opening the door to needle-free monitoring of chronic conditions.
Researchers are developing a novel process for producing cellulose-based electrical insulation components. This method will reduce operating costs and labour time in manufacturing.
Researchers are assessing a new technology that harnesses the power of the ocean to generate clean and inexpensive electricity.
By implementing a next-generation network trial in Catalonia, the era of affordable internet for everybody is one step closer to becoming a reality.
Scientists have discovered thousands of huge black holes at the centre of the Milky Way.
Researchers have developed a new molecule magnet design that would bring high-density, nanoscale data storage into the realm of possibility.
Scientists have created high-performance membranes that separate gases efficiently, opening the door to lower energy consumption in the petrochemical industry.
Stephen Hawking, the most famous scientist in the world, had a lot to say during his life about topics other than the Big Bang and black holes. Here’s a roundup of the British physicist’s views on everything from aliens to the greatest mystery of all time.
Scientists show that tiny, nano-engineered capsules relieve pain up to 20 times longer than a standard injection, and with no side effects.
New research highlights the challenges faced by European capital goods manufacturers in their transition toward service-oriented business models.
A new mathematical framework taking into account ‘crosstalk’ and incorporating the impact of players’ interactions in simulations of repeated social dilemmas could help better analyse cooperation dynamics within a population.
Scientists report radiation reaction when an electron beam travelling close to the speed of light collides with a high-intensity laser
With the growing global demand for sustainable and energy-saving products and processes, biosurfactants have come under the spotlight in recent years. A new study reviews their use in biotechnology applications, focusing on microorganisms in cold habitats.
Artificial intelligence (AI) could be exploited by rogue states, terrorists and criminals, unless humanity is better prepared to defend itself against its potential malicious use, experts warn.
A team of researchers has developed the first-ever magnet-sensitive electronics that can track body movements, opening up exciting prospects for a wide range of industries.
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